Oh The Irony!

Firstly, I want to sincerely thank all those who have entrusted me with their email addresses. We live in a busy world with people pushing things in our faces every hour of every day. I feel a strong sense of responsibility in being entrusted such personal information. I resolve not to abuse the privilege.

You all seemed to warm to the idea that in doing a (free) subscription newsletter, I would like to largely try and avoid 'social media'. I feel it is slowly killing the enjoyment of viewing images. I for one don't remember a single image that I have viewed on Instagram in the past week! Looking at an image an inch or two square on my phone does neither the photographer nor the image justice. 

As you study an image (mine or anyone's for that matter) and read it's accompanying story, imagine what it would have been like to be there. 
Photographs are meant to be lingered over. Take your time and get lost in what you're viewing.
This is why I believe the 'ultimate' expression of a photograph is STILL (and always will be!) the PRINT.

In it's PRINTING of a photo that it is taken to a whole new level.
Whether it be photos of my children, loved ones, other family members, friends, or one of my landscape captures, I still prefer to look at them in the natural light of day rather than on a computer screen.
And viewing them in such a way they seem more 'real' to me. They can evoke such strong emotions as I recount in my mind the stories behind each. Printing a photo is a deliberate act that says 'this image is important to me, so I'm going make it last forever'.

So I hope that my images and writings will provide some level of respite - as such a 'mini holiday' for those of you who visit here. 
Perhaps there is one thing you can do for me? Well for yourselves really. If you find yourself rushing to read or view my latest offering because you only have a few seconds, perhaps close and return to it another time. A time when you can linger a while.
I'm convinced in doing so you will enjoy it more and feel richer for the experience.

And the irony? Well it is two fold really...
In allowing me to add you to my email newsletter I have (if only in a small way) increased the level of email traffic that will flow into your inbox. I'm sure you will survive!
The second is that so many of you love my work for it's colour... and my first image is Monochrome...

<<<--- (please go to the 'Monochroma' tab to your left to see this image in all it's tonal goodness)

Thank you SO MUCH for stopping by...

